
作者:通灵师   发布时间:2018-5-28[2:30:20]   文章分类:算命帮助

Work and career matters may be on your mind throughout 2018. This isnt out of worry or insecurity. Rather you may have countless great ideas and be networking with many more professional people.

A career position or financial standing could change in January or early February. Perhaps youve been developing just such a move and now here it is. Regardless you have the energy and self-motivation for a big push forward. Be smart and dont be shy.

May and June are also times of great opportunity. Perhaps start your own business or get your commerical website up and running.

Once the Jupiter retrograde ends in early July you may have more and bigger plans. Saturn is still retrograde which can discourage overspending or financial overcommitments. Saturn goes direct in early September and youll be wiser if not more fiscally cautious.

文章来源:369算命网 https://www.kuai369.com

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